Fundraising ideas
Want to boost the profits on your Cadbury Fundraising Drive?
Consider an additional fundraising event to bring more people together, have more fun and raise more money.
Often, the best ideas are the simplest. Think about what people are likely to get involved in. Then, assemble a team of helpers and have fun working towards your goal.
Here are just a few fundraising ideas to get the ball rolling. For help or more inspiration, have a chat with our fundraising experts on 1800 809 444.
Fancy dress day
Everyone loves dressing up! Choose a theme – such as sporting heroes, celebrities or book characters – and then ask people to dress up for a day. Every person makes a gold coin donation. Cadbury Fundraising Goody Box could be sold on the day to help raise more funds.

Art exhibition
Hold an art exhibition and fundraising auction with donated works of art from local artists. If it's a school fundraiser, children's artworks could be auctioned off. Throw in a door fee, a raffle and some treats from the The Natural Confectionery Co. Lolly Box from Cadbury Fundraising to raise even more!
Movie night
Organise a movie night in a school hall or sports club. It could be a bike-powered event where volunteers have to pedal to keep the movie going! Charge a small door fee, and sell popcorn, drinks and Cadbury Fundraising Goody Box.

Or ride-a-thon, spell-a-thon or lap-a-thon. These popular school fundraisers are great fun. Kids can get sponsored for their efforts, with spot prizes like a Chocolate Block as an added incentive to raise funds.
Charity match
Organise a sporting charity match or round robin. Pair dads and sons, or mums and daughters, to make it more fun! Ask for a gold coin donation as an entry fee, and people's favourite chocolate bars from our Cadbury Fundraising Variety Box at the gate.

Sausage sizzle
The sausage sizzle is an Aussie institution. Get some volunteers behind the BBQ and fry up some onions and snags. Offer tasty treats for dessert – a Cadbury Fundraising Goody Box always sells well.
Consider asking local businesses to donate a range of prizes. The 10kg Cadbury Dairy Milk milk chocolate Block and a 4.5kg Toblerone make great prizes as well. Get helpers to sell tickets, then hold the raffle as part of a presentation night or announce the winners in a newsletter or email.
Raffles are subject to regulations in each state/territory and permits may be required. Customers should check with their local authority for further information.

Auction your boss
Get the boss to do the hard work! Hold a silent auction with the highest bidder winning a day of personal assistance courtesy of the boss! Don't forget to pop a box or two of Cadbury Fundraising Freddo & Friends Treats in your staff room, too.
Free dress Friday
Relax the rules at work and let everyone turn up in their casual clothes for a gold coin donation. Make the day even more fun by giving out Cadbury Fundraising Freddo & Friends Treats to the best dressed – or simply to random winners.

Trivia night
Q: What's a guaranteed fun night out that helps to raise funds? A: A trivia night! These take a little pre-planning, but are absolutely worth the effort – they are a great fundraiser and people love them. Keep energy levels up on the night by selling from the Cadbury Fundraising Goody Box boxes.
Swear jar
Only suitable for adults! This cheeky fundraiser generates a lot of laughs. All it takes is a big jar, a sign, and willing participants. Every time someone swears at work, they have to put a gold coin in the jar. Put a Cadbury Fundraising Goody Box next to the jar to raise more funds.

Treasure hunt
A treasure hunt at your school or throughout the neighbourhood is a fun and popular way to raise money. Charge a small participation fee, and then use Cadbury Fundraising Breakaway Biscouit Box as the delicious treasures.

Car boot sale
One person's trash is another's treasure. Turn this Aussie tradition into a fun day out with friends, while promoting a community cause. Charge a small entry fee, and sell some delicious Cadbury Fundraiser treats at one of the stalls.
Silent auction
A silent auction is an easy fundraiser to set up alongside other events. Get people bidding on everyone's favourite treat, and see how much people will pay for 10kg of Cadbury Dairy Milk milk chocolate. What about a 4.5kg Toblerone? Order these here.

Moveable feast
A progressive dinner requires a team of volunteers who all live within walking distance from each other. Guests pay for the experience of wandering from house to house for each course of the meal. And for dessert? Cadbury Fundraising chocolates, of course! These sorts of events are a great way to recruit Cadbury Fundraiser volunteers, too.
Sponsored walk
A sponsored walk is a great way to get people to donate to your cause. Set a target of 5km per day for a month, or a big weekend of 50km. Find some willing sponsors, lace up your walking boots and set off towards your goal.